Project Manager Lene Krøl Andersen (DeiC)

What is your role in the EOSC-Nordic project?
I am the project manager for the EOSC-Nordic project, and then I am a task leader for work package 1.
What are you working on right now in the EOSC-Nordic project?
I am working on a lot of stuff, but primarily I have a very dedicated focus on getting the Project Management Board up and running. Also, in work package 1, which is the project management, we will soon be delivering a risk analysis on how we are going to ensure and manage the risk that will come along in the EOSC-Nordic project. We are also working on a data management plan for EOSC.
But when that is said, right now we are specifically looking in to where EOSC and EOSC-Nordic can liaise with EuroHPC. We are originally not born with EuroHPC in EOSC-Nordic, but since we have these two large consortiums in the same region, we would like to see if we could showcase or be a frontrunner in how to make these two things work together. Or at least identify where it is possible. And we will be presenting these results to the EOSC-Nordic board in December.
What is the greatest challenge for the EOSC-Nordic project?
One of the challenges is to limit ourselves. We are a very ambitious group of people. The challenge is also that Europe is huge and we are a lot of partners. Within EOSC-Nordic we are 24 partners. And the challenge for us as a project is to figure out, how do we set up the coordination between the other regional projects in Europe. It is a difficult task, and we already have enough of tasks within our project, so how do we coordinate and align with the other projects on top of what we are already doing. That is a challenge, and I think we will have to ensure that we are not working isolated but aligning and coordinating.
What do we accomplish with the EOSC-Nordic project?
We want to be united around EOSC, and we start in our region. Of course, we also want to unite with the rest of Europe, but that is in the next phase. Now we will unite ourselves in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
We also want to achieve that all the good services that are used out there in our local communities, that they are opening up, becoming more visible and harmonized across the borders in the Nordic and Baltic region. We want to manage how to treat sensitive data across our borders and make infrastructure work much more efficiently across borders and improve interdisciplinarity. It is also one of the key areas for European Open Science Cloud in general to make it easier to work with data outside your original discipline. And then we are simply building EOSC.