WP3 lead Ilja Livenson (University of Tartu)

What is your role in the EOSC-Nordic project?
I am responsible for the work package 3 activities. So, basically the organisation of that as well as leading one of the tasks under WP3, which is about the integration and automation of information services from the Nordics in EOSC.
What are you working on right now in the EOSC-Nordic project?
We are working on figuring out how we can use existing service descriptions and publish them in EOSC as well as how we can establish the dashboards that will tell us how far we are in this process. So, we are basically doing the preparative work before we are going full steam which we intend to do early next year.
What is the greatest challenge for the EOSC-Nordic project?
The good thing about the Nordics is that things are relatively similar here, so there are no obstacles that are completely undoable. But I think that the main challenge at the moment, is to properly engage people and to make sure that the vision is aligned. We are in the process of going from a more hierarchical way of working to a more federated way of working where everyone is increasingly committed. So, I think the challenge is not as much a technical thing, but an organisational thing.
What do we accomplish with the EOSC-Nordic project?
Overall, we want to achieve the benefits that the EOSC vision is promising, or at least to validate if it is true or not. We aim our work at a number of groups, but I think the main group is researchers. So, we want to make sure that research as a process is more efficient and that people doing research are happier with the way they are able to conduct their research, that would be the main goal.