EOSC position papers – Insights from Regional Projects & Infrastructures
To support the EOSC community with the development and implementation of the European Open Science Cloud initiative, the regional projects (INFRAEOSC 5b projects) EOSC-Nordic, EOSC Pillar, EOSC Synergy, NI4OS-Europe, and the thematic project ExPaNDS signed a Collaboration Agreement in support of EOSC Governance earlier in 2020.
As overlaps and complementarities among projects were identified, as well as specific areas for potential cooperation, the five INFRAEOSC 5b projects decided to collaborate on the development of a common strategy to synchronise activities with the EOSC Working Groups.
Read more about project findings and outputs, what each project expects from the future EOSC, how they contribute to EOSC, and what recommendations and key messages they share in the position papers.