GA2021: WP5 – Cross-border analysis on Climate, Biodiversity and Nordic Language Processing Laboratory data (NLPL) by Abdulrahman Azab, UiO
Julkaistu: October 5, 2021
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Final Event: EOSC as a web of FAIR data and services
Julkaistu: October 13, 2022
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First Nordic policy workshop recording
Julkaistu: March 9, 2021
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GA2021: WP6 – Engagement, Communication and Competence Building by Minna Lappalainen, CSC
Julkaistu: October 5, 2021
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Final Event: Nordunet, A Regional Infrastructure
Julkaistu: October 13, 2022
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D2.2: Cross-Border Collaboration Models – The Nordic Experience
Julkaistu: March 17, 2021
This document discusses past experience of organising cross-border research, research infrastructure collaboration, and access to research and infrastructure resources in the Nordic and Baltic regions.
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D6.4 Knowledge Hub establishment report
Julkaistu: October 19, 2021
The EOSC-Nordic project aims to foster and advance the take-up of the European Open Science Cloud at the Nordic level by creating awareness and speeding…
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Final Event: EOSC-Nordic Impact & Results
Julkaistu: October 13, 2022
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D2.5: Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (second report)
Julkaistu: March 17, 2021
For this deliverable, the authors have surveyed and described any policy and similar documentation such as written guidelines, policies relating to specific focus areas.
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D2.7: Open Science in the Nordics: Recommendations on Legal Issues
Julkaistu: November 19, 2021
The success of EOSC largely depends on its capability to enable cross-border research. Cross-border research poses challenges not only regarding the technical solutions but…
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