Deliverable 4.1 An assessment of FAIR-uptake among regional digital repositories

The EOSC-Nordic project aims to facilitate the coordination of EOSC relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries and exploit synergies to achieve greater harmonisation at policy and service provisioning across these countries, in compliance with EOSC agreed standards and practices. The project brings together a strong consortium of 24 complementary partners including e-Infrastructure providers, research performing organisations, and expert networks, with national mandates and experience with regards to the provision of research data services, and a unique capacity to realise the outcomes of the EOSC design as outlined by the EOSC Implementation Roadmap.
The project has pledged to implement FAIR in the Nordic and Baltic regions and aims to encourage, support, and assist the research community to FAIRify their data. This will be achieved by communicating the benefits of going FAIR to a broad scientific community. Uniquely, the project has selected a hundred repositories and evaluated them consistently according to their FAIR maturity.
This report describes the first measurement of FAIR-ness for a reasonably sized sample of Nordic and Baltic scientific repositories. The document starts with a description of how the datasets were selected and then describes how the FAIR score was measured followed by observations of the results of the exercise.
The major sections of this Report focus on outlining the FAIR Maturity evaluation process, an initial analysis of the state of FAIR open data in the region, and the intention of monitoring the development of the FAIRness among these repositories during the project period.
You can read the deliverable here.
Deliverable is EC submitted, not approved.