D6.4 Knowledge Hub establishment report

The EOSC-Nordic project aims to foster and advance the take-up of the European Open Science Cloud at the Nordic level by creating awareness and speeding up the EOSC developments in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. EOSC relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries will exploit synergies to achieve greater harmonisation at policy and service provisioning across these countries, in compliance with EOSC standards and practices. The project brings together a strong consortium of 24 complementary partners including e-Infrastructure providers, research performing organisations, and expert networks, with national mandates and experience with regards to the provision of research data services, and a unique capacity to realise the outcomes of the EOSC design as outlined by the EOSC Implementation Roadmap.
The EOSC-Nordic project provides an official webpage, www.eosc-nordic.eu, that includes a Knowledge Hub which is piloting the idea of a regional portal in support of EOSC.
The Knowledge Hub is designed for competence building and knowledge sharing and offers an entry point for new service providers and communities willing to engage with EOSC during and after the project’s lifetime. It includes furthermore hands-on use cases from research communities as well as training activities related to the project.
Details on the concept, strategy, Knowledge Hub sections, and planning of the Knowledge Hub were presented in the report D6.2: Knowledge Hub planning. The report D6.4: Establishment Report for the Knowledge Hub at hand will present the realisation of the Knowledge Hub.
This report does not address the sustainability of the Knowledge Hub. The issue of sustainability across the EOSC-Nordic project will be addressed in D2.9: Sustaining the coordination of EOSC national initiatives at the Nordic level.
The report concludes with an outline of the next steps for the Knowledge Hub establishment with a focus on usage, outreach, sustainability, and synergy.
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